With Google Glass being released into the wild in the coming months, Google has begun to partner with different companies to roll out accessories for its computer-enabled eyeglasses.
On the Glass Explorers forum a new thread popped up Wednesday pointing to help pages that outline how the earbuds will work, who Google has partnered with for shades and shields, how Glass charging works, along with other material.
While none of this information has been officially announced, it is publicly available for users to peruse online.
Google Glass is the company's foray into a wearable computer or smartphone. The device comes in the form of eyeglasses that can record videos, take photos, chat, get directions, look up facts on the Web, and more.
For Glass shades, Google has partnered with companies Maui Jim and Zeal Optics to provide a sunglass shade with every wearable device. This means it's possible that some stylish sunglass shades will be available along with what's included with the device now. Google also wrote that users will be able to swap out Glass frames.
For other accessories, Google wrote that Glass will come with a USB cable and charger; users can charge and transfer photos and videos by connecting the cable to their computers. A mono earbud also will be included with all devices, which will work for phone calls or listening to music. Google wrote that it will additionally include protective pouches for storing Glass.
Google started shipping the $1,500 Explorer Edition prototypes in April, and the device is expected to arrive on the market for the general public sometime next year. Google said that all Glass accessories will automatically appear in the Glass store whenever they are in stock. The company also plans to launch an app store serving Glass users in 2014.
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